www.dub3 design


This web site has been developed to meet the needs and expectations of visitors who experience physical, cognitive or technological challenges that makes browsing the web require more effort.

Access Keys

Access keys provide browser-specific shortcuts to useful links which should be helpful for users who find it difficult to manage a mouse. For example, in Internet Explorer the key combination of Alt and a number will highlight the links specified below.


1 Home page

2 Skip Navigation feature for visually impaired users and text browsers

3 About us

4 Portfolio

5 Design

6 Validation

9 Contact us

0 Accessibility page

Link Tags

Link tags ensure that users of the text-only Lynx browser can access the main page quickly and allows users of other modern browsers, such as Opera and Firefox, to take advantage of additional navigation features in their browsers.

Form Labels

Using labels ensures that the form fields are assigned more understandable descriptions. They also allow visitors to click on either the form field or its label to make a selection. This is particularly helpful to users who have difficulties in managing a mouse.